Frequently Asked Questions

You can review our camper packing list here. Please pay close attention to the items on the list – especially regarding clothing, for changing weather conditions create the need for multiple layers of clothing! The Outdoor Skills & Adventure has a separate packing list.

CIT & ASCENDER program attendees should plan on packing the same items on the general packing lists. Extra items are not necessary due to the access to laundry facilities (an opportunity not available to other camp sessions), so please remember to have your camper bring laundry detergent!

A packing list will be included with the welcome letter from the program mentors. Outdoor Skills & Adventure campers have a more detailed packing list.

When checking into camp, all medications with their forms will be turned into the Health Center Coordinator. A schedule is created for each camper for when medications are to be dispensed, and a log is kept in order to track each medication given to your child

You can review our directions page if you need assistance getting here.

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to transport their camper to camp.

There are no more than 4-7 youth per cabin with 1-2 conselors.

One or two counselors sleep in the cabin with the youth, however they do have their own room.

MountainCamp has medical staff on duty. The MountainCamp Director or the medical staff will contact parents/guardians if any concerns arise.

Please see our more detailed COVID FAQs for specific information.

When filling out the registration information you will be asked specific medical questions including what over-the-counter meds can be given to your child. If needed, the camper will be permitted to receive the medication for a specific condition – however, we will ONLY give that medication if it is checked off on the medical questionnaire sheet or if it is left for the camper at check-in.

Homesickness is a common “ailment” for youth in general – not just at camp! We take homesickness seriously: All camp staff are trained to respond appropriately to homesick youth, and are required to keep the camp leadership informed. If homesickness persists, parents are contacted in order to be kept informed and can often provide staff with ideas about how to make the experience more fulfilling for the child. Having the camper call home is NOT the first option for treating homesickness because this has the tendency to make the situation more difficult for the child.

In the case of a true emergency, contact The Mountain Guest Services Office during the day (or the emergency on-call number at night). Staff will alert Camp Leadership, and we will make the arrangements for your child to contact you as soon as possible.

Please give us as much information as you can so that we can help your child understand the nature of the emergency. We want to support you and your child as you deal with your emergency situation.

Not generally. Camp is intended to be a time away from home for the camper, and it is our preference that modern technology does not trespass on this experience. However, we do occasionally have campers call home under specific circumstances (family emergencies, etc.). Camp Leadership staff will work directly with your child to make these arrangements if the situation arises.

We do encourage campers to write letters! When parents/guardians provide self addressed envelopes for the campers, they feel like they have the tools to stay connected.

While we understand that you might want to see your child, we do not offer parental visiting days during MountainCamp. This is a wonderful time for your child to be fully immersed in the camp community experience.

While participating in the program, the ASCENDER’s and CIT’s can make phone calls at certain times of the day.

Although the CIT’s and ASCENDER’s are here for an extended amount of time, visits from family and friends are not encouraged. The daily schedules for these programs are extremely full and when family/friends come up, the youth generally end up missing parts of their program.

The main address for sending letters is:

Child’s Name and Cabin # MountainCamp
P.O. Box 1299
Highlands, NC 28741-1299

For sending packages, the services that deliver directly to The Mountain are UPS, Fed Ex, and DHL.


Please send packages to the street address of:

Child’s Name MountainCamp
3872 Dillard Rd.
Highlands, NC 28741

Please make sure that you include your child’s name, and, if possible, cabin number and session.

Do not rely on “overnight” delivery options – small town postal services generally end up receiving those deliveries within 2 days time.

It takes approximately 4 days for mail to reach The Mountain so plan ahead when sending mail!!

MountainCamp is proud to maintain a four-to-one camper-to-counselor ratio for most activities and in the cabins.

All activities are supervised by staff to assure the safety of every camper. When free time options are offered for our Senior High Campers, they are still required to be in spaces with counselors.

Camper Bank money not spent is directly deposited into the Campership Fund – it’s a great way for your child to make a contribution so that other campers can attend camp in the future.

If your child is staying for more than one camp, money not spent during the first camp will be rolled over to the next session.

Please note: campers are given the option of NOT depositing their money into the camper bank. However, The Mountain cannot take responsibility if that money is lost.

Check-in On Arrival Day is from 1:15pm-3:15pm. If you cannot be here between those specified times, please inform The Mountain as soon as possible.

Check-out on Departure Day is from 10:00am-Noon. There will be signs directing you to the check-out station. Individuals picking up campers are required to present photo ID and their name must appear on the check-out card that is filled out at check-in in order for the camper to be released from Mountain custody.

If for any reason you cannot arrive by noon, you must let the Guest Services Office know – you may be charged for extra supervision for your child if you arrive late.

If you are unable to drop off or pick up your camper on the camp starting or ending date, you must make your own arrangements for your child’s supervision. The Mountain can only take responsibility for those staying for more than one session.

Lunch is available for parents/guardians and non-campers for $8.00 (plus tax) per person. MountainCamp campers eat for free!

One of the unique aspects of MountainCamp is that each camper has the opportunity to choose some of his/her activities each day. During Intermediate, Elementary and Senior High camps, there are “activity sign-up days” at the beginning of each week. In “lottery” fashion, cabins draw a number for the order for sign-up (the next week the order is flip-flopped).

The campers will then sign up for a variety of activities – off-Mountain trips, workshops, arts & crafts, etc., are a part of the multiple options available. These change every year to give returning campers new experiences. Look below for examples of trips and activities offered in the past.

  • Rafting (Intermediate & Senior High)
  • International Field Games – High Ropes Course (Intermediate & Senior High)
  • Hiking
  • Beginning Knitting
  • Gardening
  • X-treme Knitting
  • Potholes Rockslide
  • Environmental Ethics – Anti-prejudice
  • Cooking Over a Campfire
  • Gender Issues Conversations – “Gross” Fun
  • Edible & Medicinal Plants
  • Team Building activities
  • Service projects
  • Boating on the lake

The applications for the programs are online through The Mountain’s registration website. Applications and references must be received by March 15th in order to be considered for the program.

  • 10% discount for attending multiple sessions
  • 5% Family Discounts off the second sibling registered
  • 10% off the third the third sibling registered

Activities & Schedule

Activities & Schedule

Community Values

Community Values

Packing List

Packing List

Travel & Check-in

Travel & Check-in

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

