Lee Knight Campership Fund

Thank you Lee, for 40+ years of MountainCamp Memories, Stories & Songs!

In honor of Lee Knight and his tremendous impact, bringing joy to countless children with his songs and stories. Former Campers and Staff of The Mountain have decided to dedicate The Mountain’s Campership Fund in his name. The Lee Knight Campership Fund has been started with the generous donations from the cancelations of the 2020 MountainCamp year. The Mountain hopes to continue to grow this fund into the future with your support, to become a sustainable fund available for generations of campers to come to experience the wonders of MountainCamp, just as so many have over the past 40+ years. Thank you Lee for being there for it all!

Your donations to The Lee Knight Mountain Campership Fund can make MountainCamp experience possible for a child or youth.

Each year we provide campership support to a number of families that may otherwise be unable to send their child to MountainCamp. The Mountain is passionate about inclusion and helping families navigate financial hardship in order to provide interested youth with the gift of MountainCamp.

Contributions for Mountain Camperships may be made by individuals as well as congregations. Thanks to your support, the Mountain Campership Fund will bring smiles to the faces of many young campers and memories that will last a lifetime!

In PayPal be sure to denote that your donation is in support of the Camperships so we can be sure to mark your donation.

Instructions to Apply for a Campership

  • Enroll for desired MountainCamp session online.
  • Complete and submit the Campership Application form.
  • Note: MountainCamp is very popular. We encourage families to make the $400 deposit payment as soon as they enroll to ensure their child’s spot at camp is reserved. In the event that your campership request is denied, we will refund the deposit.
  • MountainCamp Campership Awards are sliding scale based on need.
  • The Campership Committee will meet to review applications and process camperships on a rolling basis.

Campership Application



MountainCamp Parent Info

MountainCamp Parent Info

Lee Knight Campership Fund

Lee Knight Campership Fund



Youth CONferences

Youth CONferences

Apply to be a PAL

Apply to be a PAL