Robert E. Smith

A good part of my adult life has been dedicated to The Mountain. Having first heard about plans to create a UU Camp and Conference Center in the Southeast, near HIghlands, my wife and I were thrilled. We had just joined the UU Fellowship of Tuscaloosa (AL) in 1977, and this was another great reason to be so pleased with our affiliation. Long story short, we were able to join the staff of The Mountain, 1994 for me and 1995 for Susan. We worked there (here) for 10 and 12 years respectively.

The one thing that stands out so well is the close relationships formed with UUs all over the southeast and the close friendships formed with like-minded non-UUs from all over the country. I continued my work with UUs by becoming a congregational consultant, working with boards on retreat and as a placement consultant for UU ministers, mainly Interim ministry. I was involved with the then Mid-South and Thomas Jefferson Districts. In 2010 I agreed to serve on the Mountain Endowment Board, reconstituted. We met in person at the 2011 Annual Meeting, and I was elected Treasurer, mainly as we have remained residents of Highlands all these years.

I served on the Endowment Board until 2019. I have always been available as a volunteer, a role which began with UU of Tuscaloosa volunteer weeks. My next to latest effort was redoing deteriorated windows in the lower Rec Hall in 2020, during the Pandemic. I was pleased to be requested to be a nominee for the Nominating Committee in 2023, and continue my service to The Mountain.