Erin Powers

Erin Powers is a Unitarian Universalist religious professional and aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry. They have served in congregational and denominational leadership is variety of ways since 2012.

Erin lives near Tampa, Florida with their spouse, 2 youngest children and a variety of animals. Their oldest is launching into adulthood in New Jersey. They are a homeschool family with a focus on science and arts. Erin is also a co-leader for her youngest’s Girl Scout troop.

Erin enjoys supporting and creating opportunities for youth to connect and build relationships with each other, with trusted adults, and with their Unitarian Universalist faith and values. Erin first attended RE Week at The Mountain in 2014 and immediately fell in love. So much so, that they came back that same year for Family Camp! They have been back several more times, bringing their children as much as possible so that they too might fall in love with this special place.

Living in the south, Erin is well aware of the challenges of creating  meaningful UU faith connection for young people. The Mountain is a vital touchstone for our UU faith in the South. Erin is excited to give back to The Mountain so that it remains the vibrant touchstone for UU values in the South.